Florida Mortgage Bond Markets
Bad Credit Mortgage Broker Bonds
Applicants with a low credit score, or public records (Bankruptcy, Liens, Collection, or Civil Judgments) will find a difficult time getting bonded. Bryant Surety Bonds, inc offers a Bad Credit Surety Bond Program that is specially tailored to your needs and can get you approved. This program is available for high risk mortgage brokers.
Florida Licensure Requirements*
Applicant Requirements:
- Age: Unknown
- State Residency: Unknown
- Experience: Unknown
- Education: Unknown
- Continuing Education: Unknown
- Examination: Unknown
- Fitness For Licensure: Unknown
- Net Worth: Unknown
- Surety Bond: Unknown
- Background Check: Unknown
- Managing Principal: Unknown
State Licensing Fees:
- Initial Application: Unknown
- Branch Application: Unknown
- Renewal Application: Unknown
Employee Requirements:
- Age: Unknown
- State Residency: Unknown
- Experience: Unknown
- Education: Unknown
- Continuing Education: Unknown
- Examination: Unknown
- Fitness For Licensure: Unknown
- Net Worth: Unknown
- Surety Bond: Unknown
- Background Check: Unknown
- Managing Principal: Unknown
- Exemptions: Unknown
- Licensing Fee: Unknown
- Renewal Fee: Unknown
Branch Offices:
- In State Requirements: Unknown
- Licensure Requirements: Unknown
- Branch Manager: Unknown
- Entities: Unknown
- Safe Harbor: Unknown
*Information for state licensing is provided as a guide, always verify with the state that the information is correct.
How to apply:
1.) Visit the commercial application page.
2.) Complete our online application.
Find the Bond You Need
The table below contains a list of only the most popular surety bonds. If you can't find yours, fill out our online application and select "Not in the list".
Freight Broker Bond (BMC-84) | FMCSA | N/A | Apply Now |
Market Agencies/Dealers Bond | Commissioner of Agriculture | Agricultural Products Dealer Bond | Apply Now |
Market Agencies/Dealers Bond | Dept of Agricultural & Consumer Services | Citrus Fruit Dealer's | Apply Now |
Agricultural (Non-Livestock) Bond | Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Ser | Agricultural Products Dealer | Apply Now |
Agricultural (Non-Livestock) Bond | Florida Department of Agricultural | Agricultural Products Dealer | Apply Now |
Agricultural (Non-Livestock) Bond | Florida Commissioner of Agriculture | CITRUS FRUIT DEALER’S | Apply Now |
Agricultural (Non-Livestock) Bond | Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer | Fertilizer Dealer Bond | Apply Now |
Contractor License (No P&P Language) Bond | Florida Department of Business and Prof Reg. | Registered Contractor Qualifying Business | Apply Now |
Contractor License (No P&P Language) Bond | Florida Construction Industry Licensing Board | Construction License Bond | Apply Now |
Contractor License Performance & Payment (Local) Bond | Hernando County Development Department | Hernando County Contractor License Bond | Apply Now |
Contractor License Performance & Payment (Local) Bond | Governor of The State of Florida | Hillsborough County Contractor's Code Compliance B | Apply Now |
Contractor License Performance & Payment (Local) Bond | City of Kissimmee, FL | Contractor License Bond | Apply Now |
Contractor License Performance & Payment (Local) Bond | Palm Beach County Construction Industry Lic Board | Contractor License Bond (Palm Beach County, FL) | Apply Now |
Contractor License Performance & Payment (Local) Bond | City of Anna Maria -Public Works Dept | (Anna Maria, FL) Public Works Bond | Apply Now |
Contractor License Performance & Payment (State) Bond | Construction Industry Licensing Board | Financially Responsible Officer | Apply Now |
Contractor License Performance & Payment (State) Bond | Dept of Business and Professional Regulation | Statement of Bonding Limits (Application for Trans | Apply Now |
Contractor License Performance & Payment (State) Bond | Department of Business and Professional Regulation | General Construction License Bond | Apply Now |
Contractor License Performance & Payment (State) Bond | Department of Business and Professional Regulation | Certified Contractor Qualifying Business (General) | Apply Now |
Contractor License Performance & Payment (State) Bond | Department of Business and Professional Regulation | Construction License Bond | Apply Now |
Contractor License Performance & Payment (State) Bond | Florida Dept of Business and Professional Reg | Construction License Bond | Apply Now |
Contractor License Performance & Payment (State) Bond | Department of Business & Professional Regulation | Certified Contractor Qualifying Business (Plumbing | Apply Now |
Contractor License Performance & Payment (State) Bond | Dept of Business and Professional Regulation | Certification of Registered Contractor Bond | Apply Now |
Contractor License Performance & Payment (State) Bond | Department of Business and Professional Regulation | Additional Business Entity Bond | Apply Now |
Contractor License Performance & Payment (State) Bond | Department of Business and Professional Regulation | Construction License Bond | Apply Now |
Contractor License Performance & Payment (State) Bond | Florida Construction Industry Licensing Board | Certified Contractor Bond | Apply Now |
Contractor License Performance & Payment (State) Bond | Department of Business and Professional Regulation | Registered Contractor Qualifying Business Bond | Apply Now |
Contractor License Performance & Payment (State) Bond | Dept of Business and Professional Regulation | Statement of Bonding Limits (Change of Status of Q | Apply Now |
Contractor License Performance & Payment (State) Bond | Dept of Business and Professional Regulation | Certified Contractor as an Individual (Commerical | Apply Now |
Contractor License Performance & Payment (State) Bond | Department of Business and Professional Regulation | Construction License Bond | Apply Now |
Contractor License Performance & Payment (State) Bond | Department of Business and Professional Regulation | Contractor License Bond (Registered Contractor as | Apply Now |
Contractor License Performance & Payment (State) Bond | Department of Business and Professional Regulation | Certified Contractor Qualifying Business (Building | Apply Now |
Contractor License Performance & Payment (State) Bond | Department of Business and Professional Regulation | Construction License Bond (Change of Status - Inac | Apply Now |
Contractor License Performance & Payment (State) Bond | State of Florida Dept of Business and Professional | Construction Industry Licensing Bond(Financially R | Apply Now |
Collection Agency Bond | Office of Financial Regulation | Collection Agency | Apply Now |
Debt Consolidators Bond | Division of Statutory Revision | Credit Service Organization Bond | Apply Now |
Professional Fund Raisers Bond | FL Dept. of Agricultural and Consumer Services Div | Professional Solicitor Bond | Apply Now |
Insurance Adjusters Bond | Florida Department of Financial Services | Public Adjuster's | Apply Now |
Insurance Agents/Brokers Bond | Bureau of Licensing | Insurance Broker | Apply Now |
Insurance Surplus Lines Brokers Bond | Department of Financial Services State of Florida | Surplus Lines Agent | Apply Now |
Title Insurance Agents & Escrow Officers Bond | Florida Dept. of Financial Services | Title Agency Bond | Apply Now |
Franchise Ordinance Bond | City of Jacksonville | Solid Waste Material Collection Bond | Apply Now |
Franchise Ordinance Bond | City of Jacksonville | City of Jacksonville Solid Waste Disposal Service | Apply Now |
Defective Title Bond | Department of Highway and Motor Vehicles - Divisio | Title for a Motor Vehicle Bond | Apply Now |
Auto & Mobile Home Dealers (New & Used) Bond | Department of Highway and Motor Vehicles - Divisio | Motor Vehicle Dealer | Apply Now |
Auto & Mobile Home Dealers (New & Used) Bond | Department of Highway and Motor Vehicles - Divisio | Recreational Vehicle Dealer | Apply Now |
Auto & Mobile Home Dealers (New & Used) Bond | State of Florida | Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer | Apply Now |
Auto & Mobile Home Dealers (New & Used) Bond | FL - Mobile Home Installer Bond | Mobile Home Installer Bond | Apply Now |
Auto & Mobile Home Dealers (Used Only, No New) Bond | Department of Highway and Motor Vehicles - Divisio | Motor Vehicle Dealer | Apply Now |
Auto & Mobile Home Dealers (Used Only, No New) Bond | Department of Highway and Motor Vehicles - Divisio | Recreational Vehicle Dealer | Apply Now |
Auto & Mobile Home Dealers (Used Only, No New) Bond | Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles | Mobile Home Dealer | Apply Now |
Motor Vehicle (Non-Dealer, Not Listed) Bond | Department of Highway and Motor Vehicles - Divisio | Recreational Vehicle Manufacturer, etc. | Apply Now |
Motor Vehicle (Non-Dealer, Not Listed) Bond | State of Florida, Dept of Business and Professiona | Yacht and Ship Broker's or Salesperson's | Apply Now |
Motor Vehicle (Non-Dealer, Not Listed) Bond | Department of Highway and Motor Vehicles - Divisio | Private Rebuilt Vehicle Inspection Bond | Apply Now |
Sport Permits Bond | Florida State Boxing Commission | Promoter | Apply Now |
Health Spas/Health Clubs Bond | Dept of Agriculture and Consumer Services | Health Studio Bond | Apply Now |
Health Spas/Health Clubs Bond | Dept of Agriculture and Consumer | Health Studio Bond | Apply Now |
Retail Stores & Service Shops | City of Boca Raton | Consignment Shops | Apply Now |
Medicare & Medicaid (Durable Equip, State) Bond | EDS Provider Enrollment, 2671 | Medicaid Provider Surety | Apply Now |
Medicare & Medicaid (All Other, State) Bond | EDS Provider Enrollment | MEDICAID PROVIDER SURETY | Apply Now |
Nursing Homes Bond | Agency for Health Care Administration | Nursing Homes Patient Trust | Apply Now |
Nursing Homes Bond | Agency for Health Care Administration | Adult Assisted Living Facility | Apply Now |
Nursing Homes Bond | Agency for Health Care Administration | Agency for Health Care Administration Bond | Apply Now |
Professional Licenses (All Other) Bond | Dept of Business and Professional Regulation | TALENT AGENCY | Apply Now |
Professional Licenses (All Other) Bond | US Postal Service - Attn: CPU Coordinator | CONTRACT POSTAL UNIT | Apply Now |
Professional Licenses (All Other) Bond | FL Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs | Pawnbroking | Apply Now |
Professional Licenses (All Other) Bond | Governor of the State of Florida | Professional Guardian | Apply Now |
Professional Licenses (All Other) Bond | State of Florida | Department of Health Drugs, Devices, and Cosmetics | Apply Now |
Professional Licenses (All Other) Bond | State of Florida | Drugs, Devices and Cosmetics Program | Apply Now |
Professional Licenses (All Other) Bond | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | Class I Wildlife | Apply Now |
Professional Licenses (All Other) Bond | Department of Business and Professional Regulation | Prescription Drug Wholesale Distributor | Apply Now |
Professional Licenses (All Other) Bond | Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services | Dance Studio Bond | Apply Now |
Professional Licenses (All Other) Bond | FL Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services | Household Moving Services Performance Bond | Apply Now |
Professional Licenses (All Other) Bond | Lake County Zoning Department | Trailer Removal License | Apply Now |
Professional Licenses (All Other) Bond | State of Florida Board of Acupuncture | Acupuncture License Bond | Apply Now |
Professional Licenses (All Other) Bond | FL Department of Transportation, Office of Comptro | Account Bond | Apply Now |
Professional Licenses (All Other) Bond | Orange County Utilities Department | Waste Tire Performance Bond | Apply Now |
Professional Licenses (All Other) Bond | City of Jacksonville | City of Jacksonville Sign Bond | Apply Now |
Professional Licenses (All Other) Bond | Palm Beach County Engineering & Public Works | Palm Beach County Roadside Vendors Bond | Apply Now |
Professional Licenses (All Other) Bond | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | Fish & Wildlife Conservation License Agent | Apply Now |
Schools (All) Bond | Florida Dept of Education | Private Educational Institution Bond | Apply Now |
Schools (All) Bond | Florida Dept of Education | Schools (All) Bond | Apply Now |
Schools (All) Bond | Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor V | Traffic School Bond | Apply Now |
Schools (All) Bond | Florida Department of Education | Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Institution Bond | Apply Now |
Travel Agencies Bond | Agriculture and Consumer Service State of Florida | Seller of Travel | Apply Now |
Cigar/Cigarette & Tobacco Tax Bond | State of Florida | Division of Alcoholic Beverage and Tobacco Surety | Apply Now |
Fuel Tax (All Others, Sellers & Users) Bond | Florida Dept of Revenue | Fuel or Pollutants Tax Bond | Apply Now |
Sales, Use & Consumer Tax Bond | Florida Department of Revenue | Sales and Use Tax Bond | Apply Now |
Games of Chance Bond | Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Ser | Game Promotion Bond | Apply Now |
Games of Chance Bond | City Of Jacksonville, Environmental/Compliance Dep | Game Promotion Bond | Apply Now |
Utility Deposit Bond | Withlacoochee River Electric Cooperative | Withlacoochee River Electric Cooperative | Apply Now |
Utility Deposit Bond | Jacksonville Electric Authority | Electric and/or Water Service Bond | Apply Now |
Utility Deposit Bond | Orlando Utilities Commission | OUC Utility Deposit Bond | Apply Now |
Utility Deposit Bond | Florida Power Light Company | Utility Deposit Bond | Apply Now |
Utility Deposit Bond | Lakeland Electric | Utility Deposit Guaranty Bond | Apply Now |
Utility Deposit Bond | Hillsborough County, FL | Hillsborough County Water and/or Wastewater Servic | Apply Now |
Utility Deposit Bond | Gainesville Regional Utilities | GRU Utility Bond | Apply Now |
Utility Deposit Bond | Gulf Power Company | Gulf Power Company Utility Deposit Bond | Apply Now |
Utility Deposit Bond | Progress Energy Florida - Credit Dept ? BAY 71 | Progress Energy Utility Deposit Bond | Apply Now |
Utility Deposit Bond | Florida Public Utilities | Utility Payment Bond | Apply Now |
Utility Deposit Bond | City of St. Cloud,OUC | Orlando Utility Commission Bond | Apply Now |
Utility Deposit Bond | Tampa Electric Company | TECO Electric Utility Bond | Apply Now |
Utility Deposit Bond | Emerald Coast Utilities Authority | Emerald Coast Utilities Authority Indemnifying Bon | Apply Now |
Utility Deposit Bond | TECO Peoples Gas | TECO Gas Bond | Apply Now |
Utility Deposit Bond | Beaches Energy Services | Utility Services Furnished by Beaches Energy Bond | Apply Now |
Utility Deposit Bond | ORANGE COUNTY UTILITIES SERVICES | Orange County Utilities Services Bond | Apply Now |
Utility Deposit Bond | Sumter Electric Cooperative, Inc. | Sumter Electric Cooperative, Inc. Bond | Apply Now |
Utility Deposit Bond | Duke Energy Florida, Inc. | Duke Energy Utility Deposit Bond | Apply Now |
Utility Deposit Bond | KISSIMMEE UTILITY AUTHORITY | Kissimmee Utility Authority Utility Deposit Bond | Apply Now |
Utility Deposit Bond | City of Tallahassee | City of Tallahassee Utility Deposit Bond | Apply Now |
Utility Deposit Bond | City of Winter Park | City of Winter Park Utility Deposit Bond | Apply Now |
Utility Deposit Bond | Utility Commission for New Smyrna Beach | In Lieu of Deposit Bond Utility Commission for New | Apply Now |
Financial Guarantee (All Other) Bond | Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles | Traffic School Bond | Apply Now |
Concessionaires Bond | Greater Orlando Aviation Authority | Orlando International Airport Non-Concessionaire P | Apply Now |
Indemnity (Miscellaneous - Not Listed) Bond | City of Hollywood Florida | Public Construction Bond | Apply Now |
Lottery Bond | Florida Lottery | Lottery Bond | Apply Now |
Lottery Bond | 7- Eleven Inc | 7-11 Preformance Bond | Apply Now |
Money Transmitter Bond | Financial Services Commission, Dept of Fin Serv | MONEY SERVICES BUSINESS SURETY BOND FORM | Apply Now |
Telemarketing/Phone Solicitor Bond | Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services | Telemarketing Bond | Apply Now |