How to Get a Maryland Home Improvement Contractor License [Guide]
The Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation (DLLR) issues several different contractor licenses. These include the home improvement contractor license, as well as the electrical contractor, plumber and gas fitter, and HVACR license.
General contractor licenses are not issued or required on a state level in Maryland.
If you want to perform home improvement services on homes or apartment buildings with three or fewer units, you will need to get a Maryland home improvement contractor license (MHIC). For this license, you will need to apply at the Home Improvement Commission in the DLLR.
For a full overview of the licensing process for home improvement contractors in Maryland, see below!
1. Register Your Business
Before you can apply for your license, you need to register your business on the state level. You can use the Maryland Business Express portal as a quick way to apply for registration online.
To learn more about the process, see the Checklist for New Businesses in Maryland.
2. Complete the Maryland Home Improvement Contractor License Requirements
To get your home improvement contractor license, you must satisfy the following requirements:
- A licensing examination by PSI with a score of at least 70% (the exam fee is $63)
- A completed Maryland home improvement contractor license application form
- Business registration information
- Financial solvency (net worth) of $20,000 or obtain a contractor license bond in the same amount
- Real estate and bank statements
- A recent original credit report from one of the three major credit bureaus
- Proof of a certificate of general liability insurance in an amount of $50,000 or more
- Proof of at least two years of experience in home improvement work, construction and/or related education
- A copy of conviction records and letters of explanation for each conviction (if applicable)
These are the main requirements you must cover before you can submit your license application to the Maryland Home Improvement Commission.
3. Get a Maryland Contractor License Bond
All applicants for a home improvement contractor license in the state must obtain a Maryland contractor license bond. This bond guarantees their full compliance with Title 8, Business Regulation of the Annotated Code of Maryland and any other rules that apply to them. The bond must be in an amount of $20,000.
To get bonded, you do not need to pay the full bond amount. Instead, you only pay a percentage of that amount, a rate which is determined by the surety company that issued the bond. You can get a free quote on your bond by completing and submitting the bond form below!
4. Submit Your License Application and Pay a Fee
As a final step, you need to mail your application form along with all supporting documents. You also need to include a check or money order in the amount of $370, made payable to the Commission.
The fees include:
- $250 license fee (per place of business)
- $100 guaranty fund assessment fee
- $20 application processing fee.
Mail all of the above to the following address:
Maryland Home Improvement Commission
P. O. Box 17409
Baltimore, Maryland 21297-1409
After your application has been reviewed, you will be provided with your licenses.
5. Renew Your Maryland Home Improvement License
MHIC licenses are valid for two years from the date of issuance. You will be mailed a notification of the upcoming expiration of your license, along with instructions on how to renew approximately 60 days prior to the expiration.
You can renew your license online and pay fees by credit card or request a hardcopy form from the Commission.