Connecticut Surety Bonds Overview
Surety bonds are required in Connecticut in a number of instances. Individuals who wish to start a business and must obtain a business license are often required to also get a surety bond. Similarly, contractors who wish to perform work on state, federal and private projects must frequently also get bonded.
Why do I need a bond?
A surety bond is a form of guarantee and security for the party that requests the bond. Usually, the state requires businesses and individuals to get bonded as a guarantee that they will comply with state laws and regulations.
If the bonded party violates the conditions of the bond agreement, causing damages or losses to the party protected by the bond, a claim can be filed against the bond. In this way, the bond also works as a form of financial security.
New to surety bonds? See our detailed 'What is a surety bond' guide for more information!
Want to apply for your bond? Find the one you need in the table below and click on the application link!
See the sections below to learn more about the different bonds in Connecticut, the cost of getting bonded, and how to apply.
Find the Bond You Need
The table below contains a list of only the most popular surety bonds. If you can't find yours, fill out our online application and select "Not in the list".
Freight Broker Bond (BMC-84) | FMCSA | N/A | Apply Now |
Contractor License Performance & Payment (Local) Bond | The Town of Berlin | Town of Berlin Bond | Apply Now |
Contractor License Performance & Payment (Local) Bond | Town of South Windsor | Town of South WIndsor Drain Layer's or Excavation | Apply Now |
Excess Weight, Other Highway & Street Permit Bond | State of Connecticut, Dept of Transportation | Bureau of Engineering & Highway Operations Permit | Apply Now |
Excess Weight, Other Highway & Street Permit Bond | Town of Farmington | Town of Farmington Permit Bond | Apply Now |
Excess Weight, Other Highway & Street Permit Bond | City of Norwalk, Connecticut | (City of Norwalk, CT) Street Opening or Encroachme | Apply Now |
Collection Agency Bond | Commissioner of Banking | Collection Agency $25K | Apply Now |
Debt Consolidators Bond | Banking Commissioner of the State of Connecticut | Debt Negotiator | Apply Now |
Debt Consolidators Bond | Connecticut Department of Banking | Debt Negotiator Bond | Apply Now |
Debt Consolidators Bond | Banking Commissioner of the State of Connecticut | Debt Negotiator Bond | Apply Now |
Professional Fund Raisers Bond | State of Connecticut, Dept of Consumer Protection | Fund Raising Counsel or Paid Solicitor | Apply Now |
Insurance 3rd Party Administrator Bond | CT Dept. of Insurance | Third Party Administrators (TPA) Bond | Apply Now |
Mortgage Broker (1st & 2nd Mortgages) Bond | Commissioner of Banking | Mortgagee Licensee | Apply Now |
Mortgage Lender/Banker (1st & 2nd Mort.) Bond | Dept of Banking | Mortgage Licensee Bond | Apply Now |
Auto & Mobile Home Dealers (New & Used) Bond | Department of Motor Vehicles - Dealers & Repairers | Motor Vehicle Dealer | Apply Now |
Auto & Mobile Home Dealers (Used Only, No New) Bond | Department of Motor Vehicles - Dealers & Repairers | Motor Vehicle Dealer | Apply Now |
Motor Vehicle (Non-Dealer, Not Listed) Bond | DMV- Dealers and Repairers Division | Registration Issuance | Apply Now |
Professional Licenses (All Other) Bond | DESPP | Secondhand Dealer's License Bond | Apply Now |
Schools (All) Bond | Department of Motor Vehicles | Driving Schools Bond | Apply Now |
Contractors Tax (Blanket Contracts) Bond | CT Department of Revenue Services | Nonresident Contractor Verification Bond | Apply Now |
Fuel Tax (All Others, Sellers & Users) Bond | Connecticut DRS | Surety Tax Bond | Apply Now |
Utility Deposit Bond | Connecticut Light & Power | CT Light & Power Surety | Apply Now |
Lottery Bond | Connecticut Lottery Corporation | Lottery Sales Agent | Apply Now |
Money Transmitter Bond | Banking Commissioner | Money Transmission Licensee | Apply Now |
Types of Surety Bonds in Connecticut
When you apply to get bonded, you bill be offered a bond from one of the following categories:
- License and permit
- Contract bonds
- Court bonds
Read on below for more details about these different types of bonds.
License & Permit Bonds
A common requirements for business license applicants is to obtain a license and permit bond during the application process. These bonds guarantee that licensees will comply with state laws, such as the Connecticut General Statutes, and the sections in these laws that govern their particular type of business.
Bonds which are frequently requested in the state include the auto dealer bond, the collection agency bond, and freight broker bond. There are, of course, many other bonds required for licensing purposes in the state.
Contract Bonds
Contractors in Connecticut typically need to obtain contract bonds when they wish to work on a construction project. These bonds, also called construction bonds, guarantee that bonded and licensed Connecticut contractors will perform work in accordance with the conditions of the contract they have been awarded. They also guarantee that contractors will comply with state regulations.
There is a variety of contract bonds that cover the whole process of construction – from the bidding process, to the completion and maintenance.
Court Bonds
Certain individuals in Connecticut may be requested to obtain a court bond when they appear before a state court. For example, a court may require someone who wishes to appeal a ruling to obtain a supersedeas bond. Courts can also require anyone who is appointed as a guardian or a fiduciary to obtain a court bond.
Do you have any questions? Call 866.450.3412 to speak to one of our experts. We will be happy to help you.
How Much Does a Bond Cost in Connecticut?
To get bonded, you must pay a surety bond premium. The premium, or the cost of obtaining the bond, is a fraction of the total bond amount.
The total bond amount is merely the penal sum of the bond, which is the maximum compensation that the surety may give to obligees if they file a claim against the bond.
How is bond cost determined?
What rate you are offered by the surety is determined by a number of financial indicators. Sureties consider personal credit score the most important factor when determining your rate, because of its accuracy in predicting how financially reliable an applicant is. When setting your rate, sureties also consider:
- Your personal and business financial statements
- Your asset profile and liquidity
- Your industry experience and work record
Since credit score is so important, applicants with scores of 700 FICO or above are typically offered a rate between 1%-4% of the full bond amount, the standard market rate.
Applicants with a lower credit score can of course also get bonded though at a slightly higher rate. Such applicants are typically offered a rate between 5%-15% of the full amount. Yet, bond rates are flexible and the more you improve your financials over time, the lower your bond rate will be.
To get an estimate of your bond rate try our surety bond cost calculator below!
Learn more about how bond rates are determined from our detailed surety bond cost page.
Apply For Your Connecticut Surety Bond Here!
Ready to apply for your bond? Complete the relevant application form below.
License bond application
If you require a license and permit bond, complete our brief online application. We will shortly contact you with a free and precise quote on your bond, along with more information about the bonding process.
Contract bond application
If you require a contract bond, you need to complete the online application and provide the required information. We will get in touch with you soon with a free quote and more details about getting bonded.
For any additional questions about getting a surety bond in Connecticut, call us at 866.450.3412!
Further Reading